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Fulbrook School

Excursions and Visits

Visits are made to various places of interest as an integral part of the students’ studies in school. Some are within walking distance, while others are further afield. In addition to the visits which are organised, a number of individuals and organisations visit the school to talk to and entertain the children. 

Our young people enjoy their visits enormously, but it must be understood that complete co-operation and high standards of behaviour are expected at all times in the interest of the safety and good of all concerned.

In terms of charging for school visits, we shall naturally make every attempt to keep costs to a minimum (please see our website for our policy on charges, and remission of charges, for school activities). Regarding remission of charges, parents should know that if they are in receipt of income support or family credit they may not, in the case of extended visits, be charged for board and lodging expenses. They will therefore be exempted from these. Under the Education Act of 1988, education which takes place during school hours should be free of charge.

Although we may not charge for visits, we are sure you will appreciate that, while there is no obligation to contribute, if we did not ask for and receive voluntary contributions to cover the cost of such visits, it would not be possible for them to take place.

Pupils who are eligible for the Pupil Premium Grant will be offered support towards the cost of additional activities and visits.